We Need Counseling…

Have you ever sought conseling?  Perhaps you thought your marriage could use some insight.  Perhaps there was a tragedy.  Maybe you had a big decision to make, so you went to a trusted advisor to receive advice.  Most people have received counseling of some sort in their lives.  King David’s recipe for success was keeping God as his Counselor.

Psalm 16:7-8, 

“I bless the Lord who gives me counsel; 

in the night also my heart instructs me. 

I have set the Lord always before me; 

because he is at my right hand, 

I shall not be shaken.”

With the Lord as counselor, David was able to withstand incredibly harsh times and perform outstanding feats of leadership.  He wasn’t perfect by any stretch of the imagination, but he excelled at receiving counsel from the Lord.

How can we receive counsel from the Lord?  I’m glad you asked!  You can receive counsel from the Lord by spending intentional, unhurried time reading the Bible and in prayer.  That’s it.  That’s the recipe.  Read the Word and pray, and do so without rush. Don’t perceive the reading of Scripture as a burden to get out of your way before going about your business. Invest in your relationship with your Creator.  We can afford Him the time.

Prayer: God, our Wonderful Counselor, would you ignite in our hearts the desire to deepen our relationship with You through the reading of Your Word.  Bring us close to You as we pray.  Make us more and more in line with Your will.  Amen.


Believe the Truth