Sunday Morning Nursery Service

At FCCH, we believe that family makes up a core value of church. We provide a nursery service for children younger than four years old during the main worship service. Children four years or older are encouraged to sit with their family during the service.

Children in the nursery sing worship songs, have an age appropriate lesson which matches the content of the sermon, and leave church with a craft reflecting a core teaching from the passage studied during the main worship service.

Why do youth leave the church?

Is it possible that the Christian church in the United States
has unintentionally trained our youth in the way they ought not to go?

Proverbs 22:6 states, “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

At First Congregational Church in Huron, SD, we believe church is a family occasion. Children of all ages are welcome to participate in the worship service. We don’t mind the babbling, tantrums, or giggles of children. Afterall, church is a family occasion.