When We Get Sick

The Puritans of old were an interesting bunch of people.  Some of their spiritual practices place them in a category of very serious believers.  Some of these practices I wish would never have gone out of style. One of their emphases was on the spiritual preparation for death.  These Christ-followers sought to never miss an opportunity to grow in their faith, even finding a way to use bed-ridden sickness to become closer to the Lord.

In their mind, becoming so sick that you must be bed-ridden seemed like a treat!  They were then forced into having time to grow in their walk with Jesus.   They would use this time to pray, read their Bible (or have the Bible read to them), write letters, practice spiritual disciplines like journaling and singing hymns, and much more.

As strange as it sounds, the Bible seems to paint illness in two ways.  First, it’s a result of the fall of mankind.  Second, it’s an opportunity to call out to God and grow closer to him.

2 Kings 20:2-3 recounts the prophet Isaiah who informs King Hezekiah that soon the prophet would die.  The king laments, cries out to God, and his prayer is answered.  Isaiah was given fifteen more years to live on this earth before passing on.

Call out to God and ask Him to deliver you from your illness the next time you come down with something small or something big.  We serve the Lord who has the power to heal us, has gifted us with bodies that can recoup strength, and most of all He promises that after we pass on to heaven there won’t be any sickness at all.

Prayer: God, thank You for the wonderful gift of health.  We ask that in times of physical fatigue and illness that we would have the sense of mind to come closer to You.  Heal us of our illness, and we trust in Your promise that in Your Kingdom there is no sickness and there is no pain.  Thank You.  Amen.


Rejoice in the Lord, Always


Like Father, Like Son