Does Your Neighbor Know?

Take a look at this passage from Deuteronomy 32:3-4.

 For I will proclaim the name of the Lord; 

ascribe greatness to our God! 

“The Rock, his work is perfect, 

for all his ways are justice. 

A God of faithfulness and without iniquity, 

just and upright is he.

I ask you to go back and read through those verses line for line and ask yourself the following questions:

  1. Do I believe this?

  2. Do I do this?

  3. Does this describe how I understand God?

These verses proclaim a God who is great!  There is none greater or who can ever come close.  God is perfect (no fault within Him at all).  God is just (never unfair, never evil). God is faithful (He doesn’t go back on His promises)

They also describe the response of the believers who know this God.  It says, “I will proclaim the name of the Lord.”  Is that true for you?  Are the truths of God–who He is and what He has done for you by His sacrifice on the cross–so prevalent in your life that you cannot help but share them?

The redeemed person may answer the aforementioned questions this way:

  1. Absolutely, I believe the Word of God to be true.

  2. Yes, I cannot help but proclaim the name of the Lord.

  3. I seek to understand God in the way He presents Himself in His Word.  I will believe what He says.

Perhaps those weren’t your exact answers, and that’s OK.  What matters is you agree with those answers.  I’ll admit that it isn’t easy to always proclaim the name of the Lord, but each believer is to seek to do so each day in their life.  It looks like living up to the biblical standard and it looks like being verbally outspoken.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, please give us the desire to read and investigate Your Word.  Please convict out hearts to adopt Your Truth and turn our desires into Your desires.  Amen.


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